Rotaract Club of Johor Bahru

International Service

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International Service Director
Rtr. Benjamin Tan

June 2005
Project Hope, Spirit & Renewal
~ In Aids of Thailand Tsunami Relief
The fishing village of Kho Koh Kao on the remote island of Koh Kao, Thailand was completely obliterated by the Waves of the Tsunami on 26 December 2004. The quiet village comprised 16 families, all involved in the ocean industry. Their homes, fishing boats, vehicles and loved ones were "taken by the angry sea".
Those who survived climbed to the top of palm trees until the devastation become calm. Unlike other camps, this out of the way village has received no help from the government other than temporary shelter and $US 60 per family since the 5th day after the Tsunami. They do not have permanent food and water supplies and are reliant on friends and families that come irregularly. 
Thus, the survived women's and their children in the camp make souvenirs for sale for living. It's a unique product that made especially for the tsunami craft shop in order to create a minimum income for the women's in the camp.
To achieve this objective, the Rotaract Club of Johor Bahru take part in helping the villagers to earn a living by selling their souvenir. This effort was initiated through the Rotary Youth Community Rebuilding Programme on June 2005 where the Club visited the seriously effected site at Kao Lak, Thailand. The souvenir can be purchased at the price below:
<1 item = RM8>, <2 items = RM15>, <3 items = RM20>
To purchase the Tsunami souvenir , please contact:
IPP Tan Mei Shun at +6016-7405059 or email

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We meet every 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month at 7.15pm to 9.00pm, Zon Regency Hotel (Level 6), Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia. (Formerly known as Eden Garden Hotel)
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